Leading the Ruckus: Shaping the Future of Education with Danny Bauer
- Introducing Danny Bauer: A renowned principal development and retention expert, best-selling author, and the host of two globally recognized podcasts.
- Bauer's Mission: Aimed at building better leaders for schools, Danny discusses how he helps educators combat isolation and find solutions to their major challenges.
- Personal Touch: Diving deep into Danny's favorite childhood memory of a Renaissance Fair and its connection to his leadership journey.
- Discovering the Podcasting World: Bauer's inspiration from "Entrepreneur on Fire" by John Lee Dumas and his realization that there was a gap in the market for school leader-focused content.
- The Importance of Focus: Bauer emphasizes not diversifying too much but instead honing in on what works, which for him is the "Ruckus Maker Mastermind."
- Origin of "Ruckus Maker": Danny's inspiration from Seth Godin’s ideas on disruption and "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon, leading to the birth of the term "Ruckus Maker" as a descriptor for trailblazing leaders in education.
- Staying in Your Lane: Emphasis on the value of consistency and staying true to one's mission, as key advice for both leaders and entrepreneurs.
- Impact on Education: An overarching theme throughout the interview is Bauer's dedication to creating a positive disruption in the world of education, molding better leaders, and ensuring a brighter future for students.
Danny Bauer Websites and Social Links
- BLBS Website: https://betterleadersbetterschools.com
- Download The School Leadership Scorecard™: https://betterleadersbetterschools.com/scorecard
- Build Leadership Momentum: How to Create the Perfect Principal Entry Plan: buildleadershipmomentum.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danevanbauer?ref=bookmarks
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielevanbauer/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamdannybauer/
- Medium: https://alienearbud.medium.com/
- BLBS on Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/better-leaders-better-schools-podcast-Danny-bauer/id1036167679?mt=2
- BLBS on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3c1dkdobcUbAmUHfBWovuk?si=zTD5xZRTSj6rxXlucl6sUQ
- School Leadership Series on Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/school-leadership-series-with-Danny-bauer/id1352995134?mt=2
- School Leadership Series on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2ok6PzXGfcbuqyiOYT0hZf
FREE PLANNER: https://www.lynnhardin.com/
This planner for a school principal will make it simple to map out the school year, months, weeks, and days so you can be what your were meant to be, a principal everybody loves.
This planner for a school principal will make it simple to map out the school year, months, weeks, and days so you can be what your were meant to be, a principal everybody loves.